Learn why you need a FotoFacial

why you need a fotofacial

What is FotoFacial?

Fotofacial at RejuventFotoFacial treatment is a light based therapy to rejuvenate skin. Unlike a laser which generates a beam of intense light of a single wavelength, FotoFacial creates an intense pulsed light (IPL) beam across a range of wavelengths. As the light contains a broad spectrum, it is absorbed by different chromophores (light absorbing molecules) within the skin, breaking up the pigments. This technology enables treatments of both brown, melanin pigments as well as red vascular lesions.

FotoFacial has been proven to treat vascular lesions (red & pink spots), reduce brown spots, age spots, skin redness, freckles, discoloration, facial spider veins and uneven skin tones caused by sun damage. This non-invasive procedure also plumps the skin by stimulating new collagen production. FotoFacial can markedly improve texture, tone, color and overall smoothness of the skin, with no downtime.

FotoFacial can also be combined with Levulan to reverse pre-cancerous skin changes associated with sun exposure. This creates greater overall skin rejuvenation, but there is moderate downtime compared with FotoFacial alone.

What happens during my appointment?

1. Target areas cleaned with a mild cleanser
2. Topical numbing gel applied for additional comfort
3. Light Blast delivered with handheld device
4. Sunscreen applied for protection

How many treatments will I need?

Depends on the severity of skin damage. A package of several sessions is recommended for optimum results.

Are there any side effects?

Minor redness is possible immediately following the procedure. Sunscreen protection is a must and you must limit overall sun exposure until the skin has healed.


Learn all about FotoFacial and other skin treatments. Watch more rejuvenation related videos with Dr. Bomer and Dr. Bouzoukis.

Call us today at 480.889.8880 and schedule your Botox appointment at Rejuvent Scottsdale.

What is Levulan Photodynamic Therapy?

What is Levulan PDT

What is Levulan?

Levulan is a prescription medicine that contains an amino acid that is activated by light (photodynamic therapy). It is applied to the skin and then activated by intense pulse light, or blue light. Levulan is used to target and destroy pre-cancerous skin cells.

Did you know that Levulan treats much more than just pre-cancerous cells?

Levulan also treats acne, acne scars, rosacea, improves wrinkles, reduces pore size, fades pigmentation, improves textural irregularities and unveils soft, luminous skin!

How does Levulan work?

At Rejuvent, we combine Levulan with intense pulse light (IPL) with FotoFacial (aka Photofacial). At your appointment your skin will be cleaned, then Levulan applied. The product will remain on your skin for approximately 60 minutes to be followed by a FotoFacial treatment. The intense pulse light activates the Levulan, which selectively targets and destroys damaged skin cells, pre-cancerous skin cells and some early skin cancer cells. This is a very effective skin treatment proven to rejuvenate the skin and improve it.

Because Levulan is activated by light, you MUST avoid ALL sunlight for 48 hours after treatment. Direct or indirect sunlight can re-activate the Levulan and delay the recovery.

What should I expect post-treatment?

Recovery time varies with the amount of sun damage present before treatment. Most patients experience redness and peeling during the recovery process. Some compare it to a sunburn.

It is very important to avoid all sunlight in the 48 hrs post-treatment, patients that are exposed to minimal light take longer to recover. Levulan produces no scarring and patients reported that the results were worth the redness and discomfort.

Watch Dr. Bomer’s Video Diary of her Levulan PDT Experience


Learn all about Levulan PDT and other skin treatments. Watch more rejuvenation related videos with Dr. Bomer and Dr. Bouzoukis.

Call us today at 480.889.8880 and schedule your Botox appointment at Rejuvent Scottsdale.

What to do for Rosacea?

What to do for Rosacea

What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition characterized by persistent red patches/flush on the face. Bumps resembling acne may be present, leading some doctors to describe the condition as acne rosacea. Increased sensitivity, including strong reactions to internal or external changes in temperature ranging from stress, exercise or hot food to cold winter air.

Left untreated, rosacea can worsen to almost constant inflammation and red to bluish purple surface capillaries across most of the face.

Rosacea subtypes

What Causes Rosacea? 

One of the main reasons there have been problems finding a cure for rosacea is that no one knows, or doesn’t agree on, exactly what causes it. Regardless of the cause, many factors that can make rosacea worse. Anything causing a rush of blood to the face is an issue.

Triggers include:

  • Sun exposure
  • Wind
  • Hot Climates
  • Heavy or strenuous exercise
  • Emotional stress
  • Certain cosmetic ingredients and fragrances
  • Topical steroid creams and other topical medications that can thin the skin
  • Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine (especially from hot beverages like coffee)

How can Rosacea be treated?

Yes, at Rejuvent we can show you what to do for Rosacea. Some of the treatments include Fotofacial IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) which can improve redness, flushing and dilated vessels. Levulan PDT with Fotofacial also produces great results.


Learn all about Rosacea and other skin treatments. Watch more rejuvenation related videos with Dr. Bomer and Dr. Bouzoukis.

Call us today at 480.889.8880 and schedule your Botox appointment at Rejuvent Scottsdale.